Congratulations, you've made it to iMawr! This is the future home of the first podcasting from Bryn Mawr College run by students for no reason other than it's fun. Our plans are very much up in the air at the moment, although we hope to create a podcast that not only Bryn Mawr College students and faculty will find enjoyable, but also those who may be strangers to BMC will, too.*Why a podcast for a liberal arts, all women's college? Well, why not? How else can you listen to your classmates and cohorts while you're on the elliptical in the gym? And let's be honest folks, you can always use another way to procrastinate.
As it stands, the plans of this podcast include releasing a tri-weekly broadcast. Each broadcast will be something different: maybe an interview (with your favorite prof, Admissions, sports teams, or even your mom!**), campus-wide news (talking about your favorite clubs), hot topics on campus and music. Or at least, music that we won't get sued over for broadcasting to the general public for free.
Comments and ideas welcome!
*Disclaimer: It should be pointed out that this is a student run project, and is not officially connected in any capacity with the college. As such, the opinions, thoughts, and music choices presented on this podcast now or in the future are not reflective of the opinions, thoughts, or music preferences of the College. This podcast is not meant to be offensive, merely fun and informative. But if you do get offended, please don't sue us. We're poor starving college students.
**Disclaimer: Oh, yeah, like you weren't thinking it.
Awesome! Can I link to it from the ETC? Or would that just suck all the coolness out of it. :)
Sure! I'm not sure if there's much coolness to suck out of it. XD
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