Upcoming Episodes
Just to give a heads up, future episodes of iMawr will (hopefully) cover the following topics:Next Episode: Customs Week 101
Synposis: Hopefully I'll have this published by next Thursday at the latest, but it will basically be a response of the podcast Dorm'd Episode 2, with packing tips and things to make sure you do during Customs week based on recommendations from upperclasswomen. For those in the none collegiate community, there will also be a brief explanation of what customs week is, what occurs, and what it's important.
But if you simply can't wait, I highly recommend listening to Click and Double-Click Episode 6. This podcast covers most of your technology needs. USBs, iPods, getting website space, and spiffy new things to look forward to next semester.
Music....will be more of the classic rock, with one techno song to assault your ears.
Other possible episodes:
1) Interviews with faculty and profs. In the works. If you have a favorite professor, lecturer, dean, etc that you'd like to recommend, feel free!
2) Interview with Physical Education department. Podcasts are portable, which is part of the reason why I wanted to create this. It's easy to listen to podcasts -while- you work out, so hopefully we can get some tips on how you can best utilize the gym and forgo adding any college weight.
3) Information on clubs and sports teams. Another major reason I created this podcast, was to easily distribute information concerning various clubs. My goal is to get an up-to-date contact list, and hopefully have people email me directly with a brief snippet of info about their club that I can read for listeners as well as put somewhere online to create an RSS feed about it.
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