Monday, August 29, 2005

Technical Problems

Sorry listeners, but somewhere in the move back to college and a few days of lacking internet (not to mention AC) are setting iMawr a little behind schedule. Hopefully an episode can be recorded in the next day or so for your listening pleasure.

Thanks for staying tuned!

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

My Apologies

My apologies for the rather 'all over the place' mannerisms in the last post. Unfortunately I was having technical problems with recording, namely in the fact that I had to rerecord various parts due to background noise generated from the activities of my household.

But hopefully it is at least entertaining. The next edition should involve some interviews with actual living breathing BMC students (and former students) other than myself. Yes, indeed, there is more than one student who goes to Bryn Mawr! It should be fascinating.

Enjoy! Thanks for listening.

Podcast 002 : What Not To Forget

You can find the second episode here.

In light of the fact that freshmen will be moving onto campus in less than a week from now, this episode will primarily cover a top ten list of things you should not forget, or at least might want to bring. There's also a blend of music.

Breakdown, with approximate times:
00:00-3:10 : Introduction, things to bring
3:10-6:25: "Crushed" by Solving For X
6:25-10:59: More of the list
10:59-13:52: "Waiting" by Taxi Doll

Next episode: Look forward to interviews with BMC students and more music!

This feed is protected by a Creative Commons License to support the interests of the artists.
Also, ignore this: My Odeo Channel (odeo/e60db8818c9b54a3)


iMawr can officially be found on iTunes.
To subscribe:

Podasts--> Education --> Higher Education

Monday, August 15, 2005

Upcoming Episodes

Just to give a heads up, future episodes of iMawr will (hopefully) cover the following topics:

Next Episode: Customs Week 101
Synposis: Hopefully I'll have this published by next Thursday at the latest, but it will basically be a response of the podcast Dorm'd Episode 2, with packing tips and things to make sure you do during Customs week based on recommendations from upperclasswomen. For those in the none collegiate community, there will also be a brief explanation of what customs week is, what occurs, and what it's important.

But if you simply can't wait, I highly recommend listening to Click and Double-Click Episode 6.
This podcast covers most of your technology needs. USBs, iPods, getting website space, and spiffy new things to look forward to next semester.

Music....will be more of the classic rock, with one techno song to assault your ears.

Other possible episodes:
1) Interviews with faculty and profs. In the works. If you have a favorite professor, lecturer, dean, etc that you'd like to recommend, feel free!

2) Interview with Physical Education department. Podcasts are portable, which is part of the reason why I wanted to create this. It's easy to listen to podcasts -while- you work out, so hopefully we can get some tips on how you can best utilize the gym and forgo adding any college weight.

3) Information on clubs and sports teams. Another major reason I created this podcast, was to easily distribute information concerning various clubs. My goal is to get an up-to-date contact list, and hopefully have people email me directly with a brief snippet of info about their club that I can read for listeners as well as put somewhere online to create an RSS feed about it.

Saturday, August 13, 2005

Survey For Our Next Episode

What're your thoughts on college starting up again in a few weeks?

What's your favorite thing about going back to school?

Do you have any moving tips? Any horror stories about moving in?

Podcast 001

Our pilot episode.

Enjoy. This will be crossposted on iTunes and Odeo.

Friday, August 12, 2005

An Issue of Note

Of music notes, that is.

Currently, we are trying to hunt down some music for the purpose of this podcast. Ideally, this music would be generated by the students of BMC (or the Tri-Co). However, since it is still summer vacation it's hard to track down any aspiring musicians, or even a capella groups. if you know anyone who would like to get their music out, let us know.

Once schools begins we'd like to conduct a few interviews. Got a favorite prof? Want to know more about the latest gym equipment? Want to try to tackle the rugby team? Let us know!

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Podcasting FAQ

Because not everyone knows what a podcast is:

Podcasting Definition from Wiki

One way of putting it is that the average user can download a broadcast and save it onto their computer. For all you iTunes users, there's even an option specifically for podcasting, where you can browse and download free podcasts.

Yes, oh you starving collegiates, -free-.

Beyond it being free, why should you download iMawr? It'll be a great way for you to keep up-to-date with news on campus, and get some jams. Listen on your way to class, listen while you skip class, or just listen because we've got class.


Congratulations, you've made it to iMawr! This is the future home of the first podcasting from Bryn Mawr College run by students for no reason other than it's fun. Our plans are very much up in the air at the moment, although we hope to create a podcast that not only Bryn Mawr College students and faculty will find enjoyable, but also those who may be strangers to BMC will, too.*

Why a podcast for a liberal arts, all women's college? Well, why not? How else can you listen to your classmates and cohorts while you're on the elliptical in the gym? And let's be honest folks, you can always use another way to procrastinate.

As it stands, the plans of this podcast include releasing a tri-weekly broadcast. Each broadcast will be something different: maybe an interview (with your favorite prof, Admissions, sports teams, or even your mom!**), campus-wide news (talking about your favorite clubs), hot topics on campus and music. Or at least, music that we won't get sued over for broadcasting to the general public for free.

Comments and ideas welcome!

*Disclaimer: It should be pointed out that this is a student run project, and is not officially connected in any capacity with the college. As such, the opinions, thoughts, and music choices presented on this podcast now or in the future are not reflective of the opinions, thoughts, or music preferences of the College. This podcast is not meant to be offensive, merely fun and informative. But if you do get offended, please don't sue us. We're poor starving college students.
**Disclaimer: Oh, yeah, like you weren't thinking it.